Nanda Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology in Bahraich


Education is about creating leaders for tomorrow.

Management Course

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

If you are considering to become a manager with a top recruiter, your focus on your future job prospects means you are likely to be concerned about the value of your qualification as well as the relevance of the content of this course. This course offers a broad introduction to the learner about the intricacies of the business world, whereby the theoretical ideas are combined with the practical techniques. The purpose of this degree scheme is to provide you with the main disciplines relevant to business management starting from the preliminaries. The three full-time year degree program in Business Administration comprises of 6 semesters, 2 in each academic year.

In between fourth and fifth semester there shall be a two months industrial/summer training culminating into a Project report to be submitted during the sixth semester. Based on the project report prepared and submitted, you would be required to give a presentation in presence of the experts, faculty in-charge and the rest of the participants. You have to undergo a detailed viva voce thereafter, and only then your final evaluation of summer training/project is done. This undergraduate program leads to the award of bachelor’s degree in BBA by Singhania University Rajasthan and approved by the Govt. of Rajasthan.

Information Technology?

In today’s world Information Technology (IT) has become the most fundamental need for proper functioning of human society. Be it running the banks or getting food from an eatery home-delivered, Information Technology has become the part and parcel of our lives. This dependence on Information Technology has given rise to the demand of learning and further innovation in this field as a result of which it has become one of the most popular fields in education and career. You can find IT specialization in every branch of education, from IT & Software, Engineering, Aviation and Medicine to MBA and even Hospitality.

In this technological era, the best career option for students in present and immediate future is to become an Information Technology (IT) professional. Apart from industrial and high-risk tasks, every small day-to-day activity is now governed and performed with the help of IT. Most people confuse IT courseswith Computer Science. Computer Science is the study of aspects of computing, starting from the design of microprocessors, personal and supercomputers to designing circuits and writing codes for the software that powers these machines, whereas Information Technology deals with the regulation and security of data through electronic devices and its related software.

Information Technology is everywhere in our daily lives – from building a spaceship to delivering food at doorsteps. Speaking about applications, for every task existing under the sun, there is an application to either help one learn how to do it, or teach one how to do it better and more effectively. In such a scenario, a career in IT is the most relevant and financially rewarding path to follow for students.

How to prepare for a career in the IT sector

India is considered the hub of IT education, with over 4000 institutes and colleges offering various courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and certificate level. Besides, it is a known fact the almost all the top global IT companies have a sizeable number of Indian IT graduates working in various capacities. In fact, USA accounts for more than 60% of Indian IT professionals.

Information Technology courses are taught at both UG and PG degree level. Short-term courses like IT diploma and certifications are also offered by various institutions in India. Starting salary for an Information Technology graduate is Rs 4 lakh per annum at junior level. At senior level, salary packages offered to freshers are above Rs 7 lakh per annum.

Many people often confuse IT with Computer Science Engineering (CSE). But the truth is, they are different, although they both are study of computer and computer system.