Nanda Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology in Bahraich


Education is about creating leaders for tomorrow.


The Library is the main learning resource of the college and provides services and facilities to meet the requirements of teaching, training , research and consultancy projects. It has established infrastructure such as a reading room, a reference section, journal section, online access and student’s lockers. It ensures accessibility to the books for 24 hrs. It is equipped with a large number of text and reference books and a plethora of Indian and Foreign Journals and magazines. The library is also enriched with all audio visual academic resources. Up-gradation of the library is a continuous process as per the requirements of the students and the faculty. For the benefit of the students/ faculty it provides Xerox facilities during the working hours.

Facilities Provided by the Library:-

  • A elaborate collection of books , covering almost every aspect of a student's personality and course development.
  • Quiet and attractive reading room with large study tables and comfortable sitting facility.
  • Totally automated library.
  • Facilities like e-library, OPAC, Book Reservation.
  • Circulation of almost all kind of english and regional news papers and educative journals .
  • Students and college members can avail the book bank .
  • Items such as audio cassettes , VCD, CD and other related items can be availed.